Combining the power, joy, and beauty of music-making with immediate access to mental health counseling and mentoring is what SWAN’s new “Rising Stars” Program is all about.
What could be more helpful to children in crisis than to have a safe, loving place to go where they can powerfully express their emotions without a word, stimulate their minds by learning, and enjoy the physical benefits of playing instruments, singing, and dancing? While they relax and their emotions regulate, they also receive trauma management classes and have immediate access to mental health counselors and mentors that they know and trust.
Janet Rawleigh, a retired music teacher from Burrowes Elementary School, leads our Rising Stars Pilot program. She testifies that music is an avenue to engage and build confidence in children who face difficult circumstances. She says, “I have seen how the personal attention and one-on-one time in SWAN’s music class has made all the difference. A boy who was not compliant in class and never sang now looks forward to coming and encourages other students to participate.”

This comprehensive after-school program includes private and group music lessons, homework assistance, spiritual development, art classes, and mental health counseling and mentoring. After our first day, one of the Rising Stars students exclaimed, “I liked everything!” the rest of the class quickly joined in to express their agreement.
SWAN is excited to offer this free, power-packed program to School District of Lancaster students and invites you to join their Summer Celebration on July 24. The event will include their students’ performance program and dinner at The Farm at Eagles Ridge.