As Dr. Rau plans for retirement, the words that come to our minds about her service to the school district are compassion and competency. Her compassion kept her in touch with the challenges and struggles of students, schools, and staff, and her competency drove her to find resources and solutions. SWAN is one of many partners that serve the district, and we are grateful for all she has done to enhance our mission throughout the years. Dr. Rau always made time for SWAN, which impressed and encouraged our team and profited our students. She provided bussing, was our keynote speaker, attended performances, spoke on our behalf, and personally supported all we did. It all spoke volumes about her dedication and love for the children. What a noble calling she took on and fulfilled. We wish her all the best!
A Tribute to Dr. Damaris Rau, Superintendent, SDoL
March 17, 2022