“The Healing Power of Music” is a featured article in the fall 2022 edition of Lancaster Bible College’s magazine, Echo. The article highlights the efforts of three LBC students who are also SWAN interns: Gabriella Schulz (’23), Sarah Ziegler (’23), and Haley Stahl (’25). We are grateful to the Echo magazine staff who are helping to spread the word about what we do here at SWAN!
Hannah Wheeler, the article’s author and a 2021 LBC graduate, also interviewed SWAN’s director, Diana Vuolo, for the article. Diana shared about how much SWAN and other nonprofits rely on community support to survive. We are thankful for our student interns and volunteers who support our programs and who truly care about SWAN students.
SWAN internships offer opportunities to teach music lessons, work as a classroom aide, and participate in our summer program and after-school program. Community members can get involved by hosting fundraisers or serving as classroom assistants.

About Echo
Echo is Lancaster Bible College’s free magazine that provides campus news, articles of community interest, and features on relevant Christian thought.