McKayla is a delightful eight-year-old that has been studying ukulele with SWAN teacher, Lauren Reyes, for several years. She’s energetic, loves to kid around, and can be lots of fun. She was enjoying her SWAN group lessons prior to the pandemic but switched to virtual one-on-one music lessons last summer when physical lessons were restricted. Those lessons are going amazingly well for her. She has discovered that within minutes, music helps her to settle down and focus. On days when she is particularly distracted or feeling down, music helps her mood to brighten. Because music helps her to focus, she is learning quickly and is proud and encouraged with her progress. “I can find my chords on the ukulele faster now. My rhythms are getting better.” She can see and hear the results of her hard work.
When asked what she likes most about her lessons, she said, “I like learning the songs and making up my own rhythms. Some of my rhythms are tricky, but Ms. Reyes echos them back to me until I can play them. It’s fun!”
McKayla is grateful that her lessons can continue throughout the summer. To our supporters, she says, “Thank you! I appreciate those who’ve given music lessons as a gift to me. I think it’s important to learn about music and how to play the ukulele.”