As we look back on 2013 and recount our blessings we are humbled and deeply grateful for all who have enabled us to come this far. Without the kind help and financial support of our family, friends, and community, we would not be reaching vulnerable children. SWAN began 2013 with eight enrolled children and we are ending the year with 37. It makes our hearts soar each week as we see the eager smiles of children coming to their lessons.
We are continuing to grow the program as funding and opportunity permits. This spring term we are excited to have Portal Percussion join with us and begin a hand drumming group. Matt, Brian and Rich formed the group as students at Millersville University. They have been performing on the campus, throughout the community and around the region. Now, as graduates, they are volunteering their time to teach SWAN students. They understand the value of music and SWAN’s mission to give these children skills to help them succeed.
Portal Percussion, along with all our SWAN teachers, will be working to prepare students for several performance opportunities. Our plan is to have children perform in homeless shelters, retirement homes, and abuse shelters. These experiences will help our children see how they can lift the spirits of those in their community who are down and out. Our other goals are to give the children performance experience, to help build confidence and instill in them the desire to give back to their community. We would love to invite you to join us for these events so please check our events page in the coming weeks for details.
We thank each of you who have helped to bring us to this point and we eagerly look forward to what 2014 has in store for SWAN.